Waste to energy: nothing but the facts. Safe Technologies IG experience.
[…] Engineering solutions of power generation from waste are available today. Industrial Complex of continuous pyrolysis Thermal Decomposition Plant (TDP-2) coupled with energy generation system is one of such solutions. The Complex passed its pilot
The first batch of products for tube-type furnace based on the I-1 incinerator was shipped to the Customer
The first batch of products to complete the tubular heating furnace based on the I-1 incinerator — namely, the component parts of the combustion chamber and the burner, was shipped to the Customer from the Safe Technologies production site. The
Hazardous waste from TB hospital will be treated at KTO incinerator
A.E. Rabukhin Regional tuberculosis hospital №11 in Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region, is a health institution for mostly the patients with disabling conditions, with refractory forms of tuberculosis and for HIV infected patients. A lot of them were admitted