

Waste to energy: nothing but the facts. Safe Technologies IG experience.

[…] Engineering solutions of power generation from waste are available today. Industrial Complex of continuous pyrolysis Thermal Decomposition Plant (TDP-2) coupled with energy generation system is one of such solutions. The Complex passed its pilot

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The first batch of products for tube-type furnace based on the I-1 incinerator was shipped to the Customer

The first batch of products to complete the tubular heating furnace based on the I-1 incinerator — namely, the component parts of the combustion chamber and the burner, was shipped to the Customer from the Safe Technologies production site. The

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Hazardous waste from TB hospital will be treated at KTO incinerator

A.E. Rabukhin Regional tuberculosis hospital №11 in Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region, is a health institution for mostly the patients with disabling conditions, with refractory forms of tuberculosis and for HIV infected patients. A lot of them were admitted

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