Catalytic Technologies for Gas Emissions Purification. Project for the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
Industrial enterprises processes are large sources of hazardous substances emission into the atmosphere. Among them are carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
The use of catalytic technologies is one of the most effective practices to combat. In Russia, this direction is yet young.
Safe Technologies together with the Boreskov Institute of Catalysis implements a comprehensive project with financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to establish highly efficient catalytic systems for environment protection. Production of domestic plants based on proprietary platinum catalysts will solve the problem of import substitution and localization of production, provide Russian enterprises with affordable technology to purify emissions from VOCs, and expand the export potential of the Russian Federation.
Experts of ST Inc., Olesya Epinina, Head of the Ecology Department and Arkadiy Smirnov, Head of Technical Innovation Department, spoke about the project being implemented.
Keywords: catalytic method, catalytic gas purification, industrial emissions treatment, catalytic gas purifier, rotary concentrator
The article ‘Catalytic Technologies for Gas Emissions Purification. Russian Industry Prospects’ was published in the journal ‘Oil Gas.Novations’, No. 8, 2019. When using the material/any part of it (media content), a reference to authorship and the site ( is required.