IG Safe Technologies innovations approved by Maritime register of Russia
The Maritime Register of Russia reviewed and approved technical documentation on the Safe Technologies innovation in the field of maritime equipment, which was developed and compiled within limits of the design and development work commissioned by Trade and Industry Ministry of Russia. Also the Maritime Register confirmed by the special certificate RCM № 16.06130.381 that Safe Technologies is now an approved manufacturer of the maritime incinerators.
This work fulfilled for the Trade and Industry Ministry was not limited to the development of the new incinerator; it contained market research, study of similar imported equipment and assessed possibility of substitution of imported maritime incinerators by the ones made inside Russia by Safe Technologies IG. Also within the project the documentation was provided on several new models of various capacity and manufacturing localization possibilities.
The Maritime register of Russia is a member of International Association of Classification Societies, IACS and therefore with the issued certificate it confirmed the concordance of the Safe Technologies equipment to the International regulations and codes.